Emanuelle Regina Araújo Gomes

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), obtained relevant results after completing her postgraduate degree, her dissertation resulted in the publication of an article in a national journal, proving the relevance and quality of her research.She currently works at Gomes Moreira Projetos e Engenharia in Tucuruí - PA, and, as a continuation of her training, she entered a specialization course in Occupational Safety Engineering at Centro Universitário Única, completed in October 2024.

The postgraduate course had a decisive impact on her career, reflected in her approval in a selection process for the position of substitute professor at UFPA on the Tucuruí campus, an opportunity that strengthened her academic and professional trajectory.In her evaluation, Emanuelle expresses great satisfaction with the program and highlights that she would recommend the course, emphasizing that PPGINDE offers excellent training.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in preparing highly qualified professionals, capable of making significant contributions to the field of engineering and higher education.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate monitoring form).


João Lucas Lobato Soares

Jorde Anthonny Alves Ramos

Rodrigo Francklin Lopes Figueiredo

Rodimilson Coelho Rodrigues

The graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) currently works at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), in Tucuruí, Pará. His dissertation generated an article published in a national journal, consolidating his academic production.

The impact of postgraduate studies on his career has been significant, resulting in a rise in his salary. Rodimilson points out that, on completing his master's degree at PPGINDE, he acquired a solid academic and professional background in industrial design and development, stressing that interaction with experienced professors and exposure to innovative methodologies enriched his professional outlook.

The graduate is very satisfied with PPGINDE and recommends the program to other professionals in the field.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).


Thiago Barroso Costa

Vitor Vinicius Rodrigues de Matos



The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) achieved important advances in his career after completing his postgraduate studies. His dissertation resulted in an article published in a national journal and other works, consolidating his academic production. Vitor entered the doctoral program at PECC/UNB - Postgraduate Program in Structures and Civil Construction, and is also pursuing a postgraduate degree in Data Science at the Technological Institute of Aeronautics (ITA).

The impact of postgraduate studies has been significant for his career and salary advancement, contributing to the continuous improvement of his company and the enhancement of the services provided to clients. The graduate considers himself very satisfied with the program, highlighting the importance of the training. In his testimonial, he says: “Academically, the training broadened my interdisciplinary vision, enabling connections between Engineering and Architecture, and underpinned my career as a PhD student in Structures and Civil Construction at UnB and a postgraduate student in Data Science at the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA). The learning I have acquired has had a direct impact on the continuous improvement of my company and the services it provides to its clients.”

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).



Alcides dos Santos Pinto

Angelo Torres Madureira

Flaviany Luise Nogueira de Sousa

João Victor Batista Palheta

Jucileia Cruz Machado

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), achieved significant results in her career after completing her postgraduate degree, she works at the company Eletrobras Eletronorte, located in Tucuruí - PA. The postgraduate degree had a direct impact on his functional advancement, in an internal selection, the fact of having a master's degree in the area of ​​activity was a relevant differentiator, contributing decisively to his growth in the company.

Currently, Jucileia is also expanding her knowledge by taking free courses in Power BI and personal financial management, aiming to continue her professional improvement.In her evaluation, the graduate expresses that she is very satisfied with the program and recommends the course, highlighting that the training received at PPGINDE provided quality public education, accessible to all who seek knowledge.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, capable of positively impacting development in the field of infrastructure and the energy sector.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate monitoring form).


Michele da Costa Baía

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), who currently works at the City Hall of Tucuruí - PA, expresses satisfaction with the program.

Michele recommends PPGINDE, highlighting that the technical staff was very helpful, and their experience demonstrates the relevance of the program in training qualified professionals prepared to work in different sectors of society.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate monitoring form).


Paulo Roberto Fontes da Silva

Shara Katharine Melo Silva Portilho

A graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) has achieved positive results after completing her postgraduate studies. She now works at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), on the Tucuruí campus.

Shara says she is satisfied with the program and recommends the training, noting that the experience was as expected. Shara's experience reinforces the importance of the PPGINDE in training well-prepared professionals, capable of positively impacting academia and contributing to educational development.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).


Thainá Maria da Costa Oliveira

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) made significant progress in her career after completing her postgraduate degree. Her dissertation resulted in an article published in a national journal, contributing to her academic and professional development. Thainá currently works as a civil servant.

She rates the impact of PPGINDE training on her professional and academic career as good, highlighting the program's contribution to the growth and qualification of its graduates.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2023).


Walson Melo Bezerra

A graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) achieved significant results after completing his master's degree. He currently works at Eletrobras - CHESF in Recife - Pernambuco, and points out that the postgraduate course has had a significant impact on his career, providing him with career advancement and broadening his professional opportunities.

And Waldson expresses great satisfaction with the program and recommends the training, pointing out that the PPGINDE was fundamental to giving continuity to his professional life, both in industry, where he currently works, and in the academic field, as a future teacher, a dream he intends to fulfill.

His experience reaffirms the importance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, capable of having a positive impact on various sectors, whether in the academic environment or in industry.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).



Andrey da Costa Gonçalves

Arudá Gomes Vieira Filho

Denilda Silva Costa

Fernanda dos Santos Sousa

Horácio Lima da Silva

Jayron Alves Ribeiro Júnior

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) made significant progress in his career after completing his postgraduate degree, his dissertation resulted in an article published in an international journal, and he now works as a freelance professional in Palmas in the state of Tocantins, focusing exclusively on civil engineering projects.

The impact of the postgraduate course was decisive for his salary rise and for broadening his professional opportunities, allowing him to face complex challenges and take on greater responsibilities in his field. The graduate expresses great satisfaction with the program and recommends it to other professionals.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).




Luciana Pereira Maciel

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) is currently a researcher at the University of São Paulo - USP, in São Paulo. Her dissertation generated, among other things, an article published in an international journal, consolidating her academic production and impact in the area of research.

Postgraduate studies were fundamental to her entry into an academic career, as they enabled her to publish articles in journals and congresses, which made it possible for her to take up a doctorate at the PPGEC at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo.

Luciana says she is very satisfied with PPGINDE and recommends the training to other professionals in the field, highlighting the importance of the program in her professional career.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).



Maycon Magalhães Castro



A graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), his dissertation resulted in an article published in a national journal, highlighting the quality of his research.

After completing his master's degree, he entered a doctoral course, continuing his academic training. The impact of PPGINDE on his professional career was decisive for his entry into an academic career, where he currently works as a lecturer on an undergraduate course.

The graduate evaluates the impact of his training in the program as excellent, recognizing the relevance of PPGINDE in both his professional and academic activities.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2023).


Milleno Ramos de Souza

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) achieved significant results after completing his master's degree. He currently works at the Municipal Government of Marabá. He says that the program had a direct impact on his career, generating professional opportunities and immediately resulting in a salary and professional improvement.

His dissertation generated some academic products, including an article in an international journal, reflecting the relevance and quality of his research. Milleno expresses great satisfaction with the program and recommends it, highlighting that the training provided professional opportunities, both in the technical area and in teaching.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, ready to positively impact development in the technical and educational sectors.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate Monitoring Form 2024).


Rodolfo Vitorino Correia Ramalho

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) produced an article in an international journal with his dissertation, reflecting the relevance and quality of his research. Rodolfo currently works at CNPq in Tucuruí, and his professional activity is directly related to his master's degree. The impact of the program was evident, resulting in a salary increase and entry into a professional career, with a promotion to master researcher, further consolidating his position in the academic and scientific field.

Rodolfo expressed great satisfaction with the program and the recommendation, highlighting the importance of PPGINDE for his professional and academic growth. The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in the training of highly trained professionals, prepared to positively impact academic, scientific and technological development.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 Graduate Monitoring Form).


Vanessa Carolaine de Sousa

Victor Renan Barbosa da Silva

Wictor Alencar Cunha


Arthur dos Reis Lemos Fontana

The graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) has his current professional activity directly related to his master's degree, as he works at the Federal University of Pará, on the Tucuruí Campus, in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.

Arthur entered the PhD program at PRODERNA (Graduate Program in Natural Resources Engineering in the Amazon) in 2021, continuing his academic and professional training. The impact of PPGINDE has been significant in his career, allowing him to work as a project engineer, later becoming a university professor and the opportunity to work as a researcher, broadening his contributions in the field of engineering.

He expresses great satisfaction with the program and recommends it, highlighting the program's relevance to his academic and professional career. His experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, capable of positively impacting academia and the job market.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


Artur José Cunha da Silva

A graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), he currently works as an engineer in a private company, under a CLT regime, with no direct link to the course.

He evaluates the impact of his training at PPGINDE on his professional and academic activity as good, recognizing the importance of the program in his career.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2023).


Gabriel Guedes Chaves

Juliana Garcia Gaia

Leandro Ferreira Borba Lima

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) has achieved remarkable results. His dissertation generated a book chapter, demonstrating the depth and relevance of his research.

He currently works at Shimin Engenharia, in Parauapebas - Pará, and the postgraduate course has had a direct impact on his career and salary advancement, broadening his opportunities within the company. In addition, he has entered postgraduate studies in CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics), seeking to further deepen his knowledge in the area.

Leandro expresses great satisfaction with the program and recommends it, pointing out that the training was crucial for his transition within the company, where he was transferred to work in “Utility Systems”, an area directly related to the content of his master's degree at PPGINDE, making him feel better prepared to face new challenges and contribute more efficiently to his team.

The graduate's experience reinforces the relevance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, prepared to face new challenges and positively impact technical and professional development.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


Marília de Oliveira Vieira

Pablo Virgolino Freitas

A graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure and Development Engineering, he currently works as a lecturer at IFMA, where his professional activity is directly related to his master's degree.

The impact of postgraduate studies on his career has been notable, reflected in a rise in salary. Regarding his academic and professional training, Pablo evaluates the impact of PPGINDE as excellent, recognizing the relevance of the program in his career.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2023).


Rafael Silva do Nascimento



Brenda Maiara Oliveira Alves

Caio José Bastos Marques Santos

Emerson Ricardo de Moraes

The graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) achieved significant results with his dissertation: the publication of an article in a national journal and a book chapter. He currently works at the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA), in Santarém, in the state of Pará. The postgraduate course led to a career and salary rise, positively impacting his career and offering new opportunities in the academic field. Emerson points out that the master's degree not only influenced his salary trajectory and teaching career plan, but also opened doors for him to join research groups, supervise CBTs and get involved in activities that previously seemed far away.

In his evaluation, the graduate says he is very satisfied with the program and recommends the course, highlighting the quality of the training he received, with good teachers and an excellent curriculum.

The graduate's experience reinforces the relevance of the PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, capable of making a significant contribution to academic and professional development, as well as boosting careers in the educational and research sectors.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


Geanilson Brito da Silva

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), achieved significant results after completing his postgraduate studies. Continuing his education, he entered the doctorate program at the PPDRGEA (Rural Development and Management of Agri-Food Enterprises) at the IFPA (Federal Institute of Pará) at the Castanhal Campus, scheduled to end in 2027, further expanding his academic skills.

The master's degree has had a direct impact on his academic career, helping him move up the teaching ladder. In his evaluation, Geanilson considers himself very satisfied with the program and says he would recommend it to other professionals.

The graduate's experience reinforces the relevance of the PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, capable of positively impacting academic development and the education sector.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


Isabela Nauar da Silva

João Pedro das Chagas Borges

Max Weverton Moreira da Silva

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), Max currently works at Saneamento de Goiás (Saneago), in Goiânia - Goiás, his dissertation generated an article published in a national journal, reflecting his academic contribution.

The impact of the postgraduate program on his career has been significant, with entry into a professional career and career advancement. Max is satisfied with the program and recommends it to other professionals in the field.

He points out that, because it is a professional master's degree, the course does not require exclusive dedication and has a more practical focus, allowing him to develop essential skills. He also values the exchange of experiences with professionals from different sectors and the presence of great professors in the program.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).


Mísley da Cruz Teixeira

Thiago Pinheiro Veloso


Diego Ferreira de Souza

The graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) currently works at the Canaã dos Carajás City Hall, in Pará. The degree he obtained in graduate school was a crucial factor in him getting the job and being able to apply the knowledge he acquired, especially in the area of structures.

His dissertation generated an article published in a national journal, consolidating his academic production. Diego says he is very satisfied with the program and would recommend it to other professionals in the field.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified and prepared professionals.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


Diego Lucena de Sousa

Douglas Martins Sousa

Fábio de Oliveira Amorim 

Felipe José Marques Mesquita

A graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) achieved significant results with his dissertation: the publication of an article in a national journal and the registration of a patent. He works for the Araguaína City Hall, in the state of Tocantins, and the postgraduate course enabled him to achieve a salary rise, helping him to obtain a financial bonus for tenure and extra points in the public examination, which strengthened his professional career.

In his evaluation, Felipe says he is very satisfied with the program and recommends the course, pointing out that the training received at PPGINDE provides good teachers and a good curriculum.

Felipe's experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals who are capable of positively impacting development in the field of infrastructure and the energy sector.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


Jedson Henryque Corrêa Abrantes

The graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) works at the Federal University of Pará in Belém and has continued his education by enrolling in the doctoral program in the Graduate Program in Civil Engineering - PPGEC/ITEC/UFPA, further expanding his academic skills.

Jedson expresses great satisfaction with the program and recommends the training, noting that the excellence of the teaching and the quality of the research carried out were fundamental to his technical and intellectual development. This development was crucial in consolidating his career as a teacher, an important stage in his professional career.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals who are prepared to have a positive impact on the academic field and make a significant contribution to educational development.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


João Pedro Nascimento de Souza

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) currently works in a consulting firm and projects in the city of Marabá - Pará, and his professional activity is related to his training in the program.

João expresses his satisfaction with the course and recommends it, pointing out that the training was really very enriching. His experience reflects the importance of PPGINDE in preparing highly trained professionals who are able to make an effective contribution to the field of engineering and have a positive impact on their areas of activity.

Text and Artwork: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).


Jusley da Silva Souza

The graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) generated an article in an international journal with her dissertation, demonstrating the relevance and quality of her research.

She works at the Dow Chemical Company, in the town of Breu Branco - Pará, where her professional activity is directly related to her master's degree. In addition, she joined the PPGEE PhD program at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), continuing her academic career.

The impact of the program was an important differential for Jusley to be hired by a private company, highlighting the applicability of the training in professional practice. She expresses great satisfaction with the PPGINDE and recommends it, pointing out that the program has excellent teachers and real applications in the field.

The graduate's experience reinforces the importance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals who are prepared to have a positive impact on the job market and the industrial sector.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


Karen Suely Martins Bernardo

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), achieved significant results after completing her postgraduate studies, continuing her education by enrolling in a doctoral course, further expanding her academic skills.

The postgraduate course had a direct impact on her entry into an academic career, contributing significantly to her work as a substitute teacher at UFPA, an important step in her professional career. In her evaluation, she considers herself very satisfied with the program and says she would recommend it to other professionals.

The graduate's experience reinforces the relevance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals capable of positively impacting academic development and the education sector.

Text and Artwork: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).


Marília Caires Freire

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) made significant progress in her career after completing her postgraduate degree. Her dissertation resulted in an article published in a national journal. She currently works as a civil engineer at the Federal Institute of Pará, on the Tucuruí campus, and her professional activity is directly related to her master's degree.

Marilia points out that the postgraduate program has had a positive impact on her professional career, especially in terms of rising salaries, which underscores the excellence of the program for success in both the professional and academic spheres.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).


Mateus Gonçalves de Oliveira

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) achieved significant results after completing his postgraduate studies, with his professional activity directly related to his master's degree, and the program was fundamental for him to enter an academic career as a teacher.

Mateus' dissertation generated a book chapter and other academic products, reflecting the quality and relevance of his research. In his evaluation, he considers himself very satisfied with the program and says he would recommend the course, noting that PPGINDE opened doors for him in his professional career.

The graduate's experience reinforces the relevance of the PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, capable of having a positive impact on academic and professional development.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (2024 graduate follow-up form).


Mateus Mamede Mousinho

A graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), his dissertation resulted in an article published in a national journal, highlighting the quality and relevance of his research. He currently works as an engineer in a private company, where his professional activity is directly related to his master's degree.

The impact of the postgraduate course on his career was fundamental to his entry into a professional career. The graduate evaluates the impact of his training at PPGINDE as excellent, which shows the quality of the program for its participants.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2023).


Osvaldo Sousa Borges Neto

A graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE), he is currently a civil servant and works as an engineer at UFPA in Tucuruí, Pará. His professional activity is directly related to his master's degree, reflecting the practical application of the knowledge he has acquired.

The impact of the postgraduate course on his career has been to raise his salary, and in relation to his academic and professional training, he rates the impact of the PPGINDE as regular.

The graduate's experience shows the importance of the program for the development and career growth of its participants.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2023).


Rosângela Silva Pinto

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) achieved significant results after completing her postgraduate studies. Her dissertation resulted in the publication of an article in an international journal, reflecting the relevance and quality of her research.

Rosângela works at the IFPA (Federal Institute of Pará), at the Tucuruí Campus in Pará, and the main impact of the program was her approval as a lecturer at the institution, an important milestone in her academic career. In addition, she entered a doctoral course at PPGEC, continuing her training.

She expresses great satisfaction with the program and recommends it, highlighting the quality of the course, saying that it offers “the best teachers in the state of Pará”.

The graduate's experience reinforces the relevance of PPGINDE in training highly qualified professionals, prepared to positively impact education and academic and professional development.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).


Taiana da Silva Ferreira

The graduate of the Graduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) currently works at Lyon Engenharia in Parauapebas, Pará. Her dissertation generated an article published in a national journal, reflecting her academic contribution. In addition, Taiana has started a specialization course: an MBA in Project Management at USP, which she is due to complete in December 2025.

The impact of postgraduate studies on her career has been significant, resulting in a salary rise. She points out that the program broadened her perception of job markets and directed her towards the area in which she currently works.

She is very satisfied with PPGINDE and recommends the program to other professionals in the field.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).

Thais Valadares Oliveira

Vanessa Cordeiro de Bona



Joana Claudia Zandonadi Pinheiro

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) currently works as a lecturer at the Federal Rural University of Amazonia (UFRA) in Belém, Pará, and her professional activity is directly related to her master's training. In addition, Joana recently completed her doctorate at the PPGEC (Postgraduate Program in Civil Engineering) at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA) in Belém.

The impact of postgraduate studies on her career has been significant, resulting in career advancement, salary advancement and entry into an academic career, where Joana points out that the master's degree played a crucial role in her professional development, broadening her opportunities and consolidating her career in the academic field, since it allowed her to pass a competitive examination as a higher education teacher while studying PPGINDE subjects.

The graduate is very satisfied with her experience at PPGINDE and recommends the program to other professionals in the field, highlighting the high quality of the professors and thanking the dedicated and qualified professionals who make up the program.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).



Marcus Vinicius Pereira de Freitas

The graduate of the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) made significant progress in his career after completing his postgraduate studies. His dissertation resulted in an article published in an international journal, reflecting the excellence of his research. Marcus Vinícius is currently working at Unifesspa in Santana do Araguaia - PA and has entered the doctoral course at PPGEC.

He stresses that the impact of postgraduate studies was decisive for his entry into an academic career, and he is very satisfied with the program. Marcus Vinícius recommends PPGINDE, emphasizing the importance of the course in his career. His statement shows his appreciation for the quality of the program: "A program with excellent professors, willing to help researchers in every way possible. I can only thank all the professionals who helped me during this process."

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form 2024).


Ronaldo Menezes dos Santos Júnior

He joined the Postgraduate Program in Infrastructure Engineering and Energy Development (PPGINDE) in 2016, in the area of Energy Development and completed the course in 2018.

In 2018, she joined the Tubarão/Vitória/ES Unit, working in atmospheric emissions management, specifically in the area of particulate matter emissions control. In 2022, he moved to the São Luís/MA pelletizing plant, where he took up the position of senior engineer.

During his academic career, the graduate dedicated himself to the course, aiming for scientific and academic improvement, which allowed him to start a successful career in the job market and contribute significantly to development in the energy area.

Text and Art: PPGINDE (Graduate follow-up form).